buchstabenmuseumberlin dive into a world of glowing gas and fire Whether Ornamental Fish Beate Uhse or Market Hall the Buchstabenmuseum Berlin has an enormous collection of original neon glass signs from former department stores and corporations A number of typographical icons can be bought in the FINAL SALE and letters can be leased for events At this museum you learn the exciting backgrounds behind the exhibits which are exceptional tidbits about the history of Berlin You can also take an active role yourself literally with neon bending workshops at the museum workshop that turn the creation of neon advertising and the production of neon letters into a fun experience Take part and feel the magic glow Anyone looking to find out more about argon neon or krypton can book a tour of the collection and workshop or a special neon technology themed tour as well as action filled neon bending workshops Register by e mailing 43 Experience the art of bending glass in small groups neon bending

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