Pelikan customer magazine Passion their Pelikan note pad and a sample of the Apatite ink The people were able to choose their own seats for the evening Unfortunately we didn t have a projector so I brought along multiple printed copies of the Pelikan presentation for the attendees to read through at their leisure When most people had arrived I took a few minutes to welcome everyone to the Edmonton Hub I paid tribute to Pelikan and the efforts made to hold Hubs in person again during the pandemic After that I informed the attendees about the setup of the space praised the owner of the venue and announced that she was going to serve us a few treats a bit later I especially thanked our superfan who had sacri ficed a jar of Apatite so that we could all get a sample I also emphasized the international flair of the global event and that we could boast about being the most northern Hub in North America to participate Afterward I let everyone go so that they could do what they were all here for enjoy the company of other fountain pen devotees chat about pens nibs inks and paper swap and pour out their hearts to each other F R I D AY N O V E M B E R 1 8 Today was Hub day I arrived at our room about an hour before the event to prepare everything The owner was extremely nice and showed me where everything was and what I needed to watch out for I put the tables together to make islands of two tables so we had lots of space for writing and for the accessories I also wanted to ensure some distance for anyone who was still cautious about COVID I covered the tables with white plastic tablecloths Because the room was a large art space we didn t have to worry much spilled ink would just add to the color however I still wanted to leave as few marks as possible I put a sign in table at the entrance the Edelstein ink sam ples at the front as well and the snacks to the side The fans were able to come in sign in sign the flag while getting a name tag and hang up their coats They got a copy of the SEP 22nd 2023 Save the date day HUB HUB 14

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