S E P T E M B E R F U R T H E R P O S T S A lot of positive feedback The attendees are happy with the choice of venue they re exchanging ideas about how to make this Hub even better A few additional guests are com ing too M O N D AY O C T O B E R 1 7 I ve just learned that the Pelikan Hub box has been sent out Some of the other Hub masters are saying in the group chat that there are no free jars of the Ink of the Year and no Edel stein sampler set this time There are still notepads name tags waterproof pens and the flag for the Pelikan Hub though Sent an e mail update to the attendees and told them about the lack of ink and how I ll provide the leftovers of an Edel stein sampler set from an earlier Hub since I ve been a Hub master before This will let the attendees sample the inks Overall we re pretty well prepared T U E S D AY N O V E M B E R 1 5 I m still communicating with the attendees and finding out at the last minute who can come and who has to cancel Our local fountain pen superfan has asked about the final numbers apparently he wants to split up a jar of Apatite Edelstein into small samples for all attendees Did I mention already that we truly have a great local fountain pen community I ll get a few snacks drinks and plastic table cloths to decorate our meeting and protect surfaces against uncontrolled releases of ink Impressions of Pelikan Hubs from Germany and Spain Hanover top and bottom Barcelona group with 2022 Hub flag 13

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